May 16th, 2017 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Acupuncture Relief for Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia, a disorder of the trigeminal nerve, is a condition that produces intense, sporadic facial pain along one or more of the three branches of this nerve. The pain is severe and can last from seconds to minutes. Another name for this condition is “tic douloreaux” due to the…..
Read MoreJuly 16th, 2015 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports, 3 Various Specific Problems
National Seminar for Migraine Action Week: An Overview [Adapted from the Migraine Association of Ireland’s report.] ‘Migraine and Well-Being: Approaches to Migraine Management’ was the theme of Migraine Action Week 2012 in a hugely successful national seminar in Dublin attended by over one hundred people. Speaking at the event in the Ballsbridge Hotel on Saturday…..
Read MoreOctober 25th, 2013 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports, 3 Various Specific Problems
Acupuncture Relieves Lower Back Pain A new study (released on of 236 patients published in the Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain concludes that acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for the relief of lower back pain. A total of 14 acupuncture treatments were applied over a period of four weeks in this randomized investigation. The researchers concluded…..
Read MoreJune 29th, 2012 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Acupuncture and Sports Injuries: Article from: The Irish Times – Tuesday, July 19, 2011 SYLVIA THOMPSON In the west, acupuncture is usually sought out as a treatment for chronic health problems, whether they are musculoskeletal, neurological or even autoimmune in origin. In the past number of years, acupuncture is also being sought out both for…..
Read MoreJune 26th, 2012 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Imagine suddenly feeling sick and exhausted all the time and having someone tell you you’re not really sick. People with chronic fatigue syndrome face that all the time. Some doctors say they’re depressed or that it’s all in their heads – or they’re just whiners or hypochondriacs. It’s also common for them to tell someone,…..
Read MoreJune 25th, 2012 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Understanding Pain Pain is one of our body’s natural reactions and informs us about dysfunctions in our body or about damaging external factors. The sensation of pain occurs when pain receptors on the ends of sensory nerves are stimulated to transmit signals via the spinal cord to the brain. Pain From Injuries, etc In its…..
Read MoreAugust 7th, 2011 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
THE KNEE JOINT is subject to more trauma than any other joint. Knee pain can be the result of several factors, including injury, disease or the gradual wearing down of the joint. Ilio-tibial band syndrome is most commonly diagnosed in the category of accident/trauma. This is usually a repetitive stress disorder due to the accumulation…..
Read MoreJuly 17th, 2011 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Muscles Muscular Atrophy and motor impairment of the limbs (Flaccid Paralysis) is a clinical manifestation characterized by weakness or paralysis and reduced muscle tone without other obvious cause (e.g., trauma). — ‘Wei Syndrome’ in Chinese Medicine. Myofascial Pain Syndrome (myofascial refers to the combination of muscle and fascia). This is described as a focal hyperirritability…..
Read MoreJune 7th, 2011 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Sciatica is pain felt down the back and outer side of the thigh, leg and foot. It is usually caused by degeneration of an intervertebral disc, which protrudes laterally to compress a lower lumber or an upper sacral spinal nerve root. The onset may be sudden, brought on by an awkward lifting or twisting movement.…..
Read MoreMay 15th, 2011 | Posted in Female Problems
PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of physical and emotional disturbances that occur after a woman ovulates and ends with the onset of her menstrual flow. Common PMS symptoms include depression, irritability, crying, oversensitivity, and mood swings. For some women PMS symptoms can be controlled with medications and lifestyle changes such as exercise,…..
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