May 16th, 2017 | Posted in 2 Pain, Injuries, Sports
Acupuncture Relief for Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia, a disorder of the trigeminal nerve, is a condition that produces intense, sporadic facial pain along one or more of the three branches of this nerve. The pain is severe and can last from seconds to minutes. Another name for this condition is “tic douloreaux” due to the…..
Read MoreMarch 12th, 2013 | Posted in 3 Various Specific Problems
Bell’s Palsy: Intense Acupuncture Can Improve Muscle Recovery in Patients, Study Suggests Feb. 25, 2013 — Patients with Bell palsy who received acupuncture that achieves de qi, a type of intense stimulation, had improved facial muscle recovery, reduced disability and better quality of life, according to a randomized controlled trial published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical…..
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