Dublin based
Acupuncture & Shiatsu



September 5th, 2024 | Posted in Female Problems

Symptoms: frequent, urgent urination, difficult urination of small amounts, burning sensation in urethra, blood clots, thirst, fever.


  • The symptoms are due to inflammation of the bladder and its outlet pipe, the urethra. Nearly all infections are ‘Ascending’ i.e. the germs enter through the urethra to the bladder.
  • It may also occur from sexual intercourse but is not always due to an infection.
  • If, rarely, the infection spreads to the kidney this makes the illness more serious.
  • Bladder cancer is extremely rare in women and cervical smears will give early warning of cancer in the reproductive organs.
  • Germs which can be helped by antibiotics only occur in about half of all attacks and antibiotics always carry the risk of vaginal thrush which itself causes much soreness, discomfort and discharge.


******  Apple Cider Vinegar in hot water is very good for cystitis.

If urinating hurts, a level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in water will also help.

Additional Precautions.

  • Keep a good flushing through effect by drinking large quantities of fluid so as to maintain a urine output of at least 2 litres (5 pints) every day.
  • Empty the bladder frequently—at least 6 times a day.
  • One wash a day is not sufficient. Use a special flannel for washing the perineum each morning and each evening and always after passing a stool. Do not use strong soaps, deodorants, antiseptics, creams or powders—just simple cool water.
  • If your symptoms are related to sexual intercourse, occurring regularly sometime during the 48 hours after intercourse, then both partners should wash before intercourse with plain cool water and dry gently. Use a lubricant to prevent soreness and bruising. Empty your bladder within 15 minutes of intercourse.

If an attack starts, drink a half pint of water every 20 minutes. Each hour for 3 hours take a level tsp of bicarbonate of soda to lessen the burning sensation. Keep very warm an wash the perineum front to back after every visit to the toilet. After this the attack will have lessened sufficiently for you to go to the doctor or your acupuncturist.