September 5th, 2010 | Posted in 3 Various Specific Problems
In TCM many skin problems are caused by — ‘Damp, Heat and the invasion of toxins.‘
Acupuncture in many skin problems, will treat the regulation of the spleen function, the reduction of heat in the body, the elimination of unwanted toxins and regulating the whole body’s immune system
Some of these Skin Problems include:
ACNE In TCM acne can be due to the accumulation of damp in the body or to heat in the blood or to the invasion of toxins.
DRY SKIN is treated as heat in the body and the patient will be treated to reduce heat, and to remove imbalances and promote the proper functioning of the whole body.
NEURODERMATITIS Chronic skin itching on neck, elbow, knee crease and medial knee.
PSORAISIS Auto-immune system sending—’faulty messages’
ECZEMA an allergic skin reaction
Eat lots of greens, no greasy /fatty /spicy /processed food, no sugar, no alcohol. Clear the digestive system. Consume foods rich in essential fatty acids such as wild salmon, mackerel, anchovies and herring. Fish oil supplements have anti-inflammatory properties.
PSORAISIS—Auto-immune system sending—’faulty messages’
The trigger is often a major life stres or an injury to the skin. The person can also experience increased anxiety. Normally the process of skin creation—from formation to shedding—takes around 4 weeks. In psoriasis, it can be 4 days. Most cases are plaque psoriasis, characterised by raised patches on the knees, lower back, elbows and scalp.
Psoriasis cannot be cured but treatments have improved it immensely. Ultraviolet light, tablet treatment and injections are effective for severe cases but do have side effects. For milder psoriasis, creams and lotions with Vit D and Vit A, or steroid creams but care is needed in use. There is evidence that psoriasis can increase heart and blood vessel disease risk. So factors such as weight control, alcohol and smoking must be considered. A healthy lifestyle is an important element in controlling psoriasis.
Eczema is an allergic skin reaction. 30-40% of all skin diseases have a history of allergies in common, soap, cosmetics, synthetics, etc.etc. It can relate to KD, gastro-intestinal, obesity, gynecological problems. It is a chronic condition, with cycles of ebb and flow and is most likely rooted in the individual’s genetic heritage. It its an ever-changing condition and can lurch from bearable to unbearable in a short space of time. During a severe episode, the itching can get as intense as to disrupt sleep, skin may weep, thicken and crack. Prevention and lifestyle changes are paramount. Taking all of these factors into consideration, the good news is that a successful outcome can be achieved with appropriate treatment, provided the patient is willing to make a complete commitment to the process.
Triggers of Eczema
Western Treatments
Herbal Recipes Prevention for Eczema, Psoriasis, Rashes.
Ingredients: 2 cups dried calendula flowers; 1 quart extra virgin olive oil; 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil. Slow cook olive oil (on very low heat). Add flowers, stir and leave 12-14 hours over very low heat. Stir, if you can, every two hours. Pour through a strainer lined with panty hose; add vitamin E oil and store in refrigerator for six months.
Ingredients: 1 cup sea salt; 5 drops carrot seed essential oil; 5 drops calendula essential oil; 5 drops lavender oil; and almond oil to cover mixture. Add salt to wide-mouthed jar; add essential oils and almond oil to cover. Store by your bathtub and use a scoop when bathing. Do not bathe more than 20 minutes, so as not to dehydrate. Moisturize and relax.